Years Ago, a villager worked hard digging his garden to grow vegetables for his young family. He was known as Mr. Dig.
Nest door to him lived Mr. Big. His family was grown-up and every year Mr. Big grew bigger, for he had little to do, but eat and watch his sons working.
One day Mr. Dig said to Mr. Big. "Mr. big, I shall be glad when my two sons are grown-up Then I shall take life easy and become big like you."
"Oh dear, what a problem that will be," sighed Mr. Big, " for then folk will start calling you Mr. Big and the two of us will be up-unless that is, my sons leave and I start digging again and lose weight and become known as Mr. Dig."
" I could be Mr. Big Dig and you could be Mr. Dig Big," suggested Mr. Dig. But that seemed even more confusing.
At last the men agreed to worry about the problem when it happened, not before, which is the thing to do with any problem.
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