Over a hundred years ago there lived a prince who for many years had been kept prisoner by a wicked magician. Fortunately the prince was at last rescued and returned to the royal palace. However, during his captivity, the price had been fed so meagerly that he had never seen bananas.
One day when the prince was sitting with his courtiers, a servant entered with a dish of bananas.
"These are the first bananas of the years, Sire ," said the servant." The prince looked at the thick skins of the bananas.
"Dear me!" he said. "I do not care for the look of those things at all. Take them away. I do not want to eat tough things like that."
"Sire," explained one of the courtiers. "Bananas have thick skins, but if they are peeled a delicious white fruit is found inside."
"Really!" gasped the prince. " How amazing!'
He ordered the servant to peel one of the bananas and then he ate it.
Delicious!" smiled the prince. " This is the tastiest thing I have ever eaten."
From that day on the prince ate bananas every day. The cook had to find different ways of serving them, but the prince's favorite way of eating bananas was mashed up with sugar and milk on top.
'Prince Bananas' he came to be called by all the people of his land and he lived a long and healthy life.
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