The Best Documentary Ever, The Story Of Earth And Life

     Milk and Honey Being conscious is basically a result of electricity in the brain, and that stops when you die. It's like turning off a light switch. Allowing electricity to flow by turning on the light costs energy and releases energy as well. When you turn the light switch off, the flow of electrons is stopped by the closing of the circuit and all energy ceases to be released and spent. The transmigration of consciousness is impossible because when you die, your brain has no access to energy to allow the flow of electrons inside it, so the flow of electrons stops. The concept of reincarnation would have to mean that instead of ceasing to flow, this electricity "travels" to another person's body once they are born, which is impossible. And if the term consciousness refers to something abstract like the "soul", I really don't know what to tell you because souls, spirits or anything of that nature are impossible to detect by any means.


     The thing is if something shot a radio wave or anything to us from way out there it probably already hit Earth when Dinosaurs were roaming the Earth but not radio, we invented radio from what we had at that time and trust me other life forms would not figure that out because they communicate way different and even if they were millions of years ahead of us radio is a one time thing we invented and we assume other life forms are much smarter. I really do not believe there are other life forms out there I know it sounds crazy and unlikely but we probably are it, you have to have everything exact to happen for millions of years for life to exist and even thrive, heck if the Earth was not hit by the mars size planet millions of years ago and knocked Earth on it current axis we would not have seasons and life would not exist, we need seasons to thrive and multiply and do it again and again forever to live and what are the chances of any other planet in this universe that it would have seasons and stable conditions long enough, it is unlikely to happen as they say no 2 snowflakes are the same and no 2 planets are the same as well.

The Wolf And The Lion

     Once, wolf stole a lamb from a farm. He was very happy. But, on the way, a lion snatched the lamb away from him.

     The wolf ran to a safe distance. Then, he said to the lion in anger, "You have no right to take away my meal."
     The lion looked back at the wolf. He decided that walking up to the wolf just to reach him another lesson was not worth the effort.

     The lion replied casually, "You meal? Indeed! Tell me, how did you get it? Was it a gift from the shepherd? Or, did you buy it in the market? The wolf could not answer anything and fled away.

Moral: What is won by evil is also lost by evil.

The Sentry

    Once a sentry was guarding a palace. "Left! Right! Left! Right! he would mutter as he marched to and fro, thinking of his supper, which, being Thursday, would be roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. Had it been Friday, supper would be steamed fish. The soldier did not like that supper much.

     One day a naughty soldier tried to start a revolution.
     "Will you join me?" Today is Thursday. I could not miss supper of roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. If you had asked me on a Friday, I might have."

     All the other soldier's thought the same way and the revolution failed. Which shows that if you wish to start a revolution, you should pick your day carefully.

The Bananas

     Over a hundred years ago there lived a prince who for many years had been kept prisoner by a wicked magician. Fortunately the prince was at last rescued and returned to the royal palace. However, during his captivity, the price had been fed so meagerly that he had never seen bananas.
     One day when the prince was sitting with his courtiers, a servant entered with a dish of bananas.
     "These are the first bananas of the years, Sire ," said the servant." The prince looked at the thick skins of the bananas.

     "Dear me!" he said. "I do not care for the look of those things at all. Take them away. I do not want to eat tough things like that."

     "Sire," explained one of the courtiers. "Bananas have thick skins, but if they are peeled a delicious white fruit is found inside."

     "Really!" gasped the prince. " How amazing!'
     He ordered the servant to peel one of the bananas and then he ate it.
    Delicious!" smiled the prince. " This is the tastiest thing I have ever eaten."
     From that day on the prince ate bananas every day. The cook had to find different ways of serving them, but the prince's favorite way of eating bananas was mashed up with sugar and milk on top.

     'Prince Bananas' he came to be called by all the people of his land and he lived a long and healthy life.

The Great Adventure

     Once there lived a man who had worked hard all his life. At last the day came when he retired and could please, himself what he did.
     after a few weeks, he said to his wife.
     I am still in my health and strength. I want to see something of the world. I want to meet dragons, magicians and leprechauns with pots of gold. I want to help old ladies who are really fairy godmothers. Other people do these things. I have read about them in books and I would like to do them, too."
    Very well, dear, if that is what you want," smiled his wife." You go on your great adventure, but I would prefer to satay at home. Adventures sound so tiring to me."
     So the man set off on his horse. Barely two hours, journey down the road, he saw a workman breaking up rocks.
     "Aha!' thought the man. "That must be a leprechaun. It I speak to him politely he will give me a pot of gold."
     He went up to the workman and said.
     "Good morning I think leprechauns are wonderful people, so hard-working and kind. Do you by any chance know where there is a pot of gold?"
The workman, wishing to get rid of this strange traveler, replied.
    "Yes, at the end of that rainbow."
     And, he pointed with his hammer to a rainbow going down into the ruins of an old manor house. The man hurried across, and hidden in the house, he found a chest of gold coins which had been concealed there years before by one of the old owners.
     "Wonderful!" beamed the man . I knew all those fairy stories were true."
     Also lying in the ruins of the manor house, the man found a painting of a dragon. As he was so interested in dragons he look it with him. Later in the day, as he was eating at an inn, a man in a midnight-blue cloak looked at the picture and said.
     "That is the work of the famous painter Giotto. I will give you these jewels in exchange for it."
     The man agreed, thinking that because the other man wore a midnight-blue cloak, he must be a magician.
     Feeling very pleased, the man continued his journey and found an old lady wishing to cross a stream. He let her ride on his horse, so that she did not get her feet wet.
     "Thank you so much for helping me," she smiled. " Do sit under this tree and share my supper."
And she gave the man a magnificent meal.
     "Only a fairy godmother could give me a meal like this," thought the man."There is no need or me to journey further."
     He hurried home to his wife and said.
     "All those stories about leprechauns and wizards and fairies are true. I have met them all today and I am a rich man. Now I am satisfied and we can live in comfort for the rest of our days.
    "Which show how useful it is in life to have a little faith."

The Eagle And The Kite

     Once an eagle was sitting on the branch of a big oak tree with tears in her eyes. A kite saw her and asked, "Why do you look so unhappy, beautiful eagle?" " I want to get married," replied the eagle," but I can't find a caring husband," " Choose me,"said the kite," I will care for you a lot."

     " Do you really believe that you can look after me well?" asked the eagle. "Why of course," replied the kite," I am so powerful that I can bring an ostrich for your dinner." The eagle agreed to marry the kite. After the wedding, the kite flew away to find some food.

     But when he returned, he brought only a tiny mouse. "Is this the ostrich that you promised to bring?" Said the eagle in anger.The kite was ashamed.
Moral: Do not be boastful.

The Clever Parrot

     In a far Siam, there once lived a brother and sister called Lord Brave heart and Lady Blossom. Their parents were dead and they were being brought up by a strict aunt.

     "It is my duty to your dear parents to bring you up perfectly," the aunt would say.
     Every day she would send the unfortunate boy into a monastery to learns with the monks and every day she would send the unfortunate girl to practice dancing and singing, as she become a young lady.

     They never had a free hour for talking to each other or for having any sort of fun.
     "This is no life," thought Lord Brave heart.
     By a fortunate char came into the possession he trained it well to fly where told it shout: "Fire! Fire!"

     Then, when lessons were going on too long, Lord Brave heart flying round the houses shouting: "Fire! Fire!"

Everyone would run there would be confusion for brave heart and Lady BI friends would slip away(chat together and have fun).

     It was rather naughty, But it make life bearable and when the youngsters grew up and got married, they were very children.

The Old Lion And The Donkey

     There was a lion, who lived in a huge cave in the jungle. He was very strong and ferocious.
     He could run as fast as a zebra. When he caught his prey, he killed it immediately and ate it. As the years passed, he grew old.

    He lost his strength gradually. He said to himself, "No! It is not possible for me to pull on like this. I must find a way out. Otherwise, I would die of starvation. " After much thought, he got an idea. He called the donkey and said, "Listen friend, you have a lovely voice, which no other animal has. I have never heard such a resounding tone as yours. Now let us work together, so that we could live happily with plenty of food at our disposal.

     The donkey was highly please to hear this. He said, "I would be your partner. what can I do for you?"

     The lion then explained to him, "Listen, when you see the animals gathering at one place, you give out a loud sound. On hearing it, they would run helter-skelter. I will be hiding behind a tree. As soon as one comes within my reach, I would grab it. You will be rewarded handsomely by me." The donkey agreed . As soon as he saw animals gathered at one place, he started braying loudly.

     As the animals ran in fright, the lion grabbed one, which passed by the tree. The donkey thought that he was very clever. He started running all over the jungle braying loudly to scare away other animals.

     As it happened, the braying donkey passed by the tree where the lion was hiding. The lion, at once, grabbed him and made a nice meal of him.
Moral: As you sow, so shall you reap.

The Man With Bald Head

     Once there was a man who used to live in style. He was bald, but when he came in front of people, he used to wear a wig to hide this fact.
    Once day, he went for horse riding. He was wearing a wig and a hat on it. He was enjoying the riding. Suddenly, a strong wind blew for a few seconds. And, his hat flew away with his wig. All the people came to know about his secret.
    They say that there was not a single hair on his head. But the man neither felt ashamed nor did he get angry. Even he joined other people and laughed at himself. He continued to enjoy with them.
Moral: Do not hide your weakness or faults.

The Fox And The Grapes

     Once a fox was walking in the jungle in search of some tasty food. He saw a bunch of ripe hanging from a vine, attached to the branches of a tree.

     The fox's mouth watered at their very sight and he decided to get the grapes in anyway.
     However, this was not an easy job. The bunch of grapes was hanging from a high branch. The fox jumped up, but he missed the grapes.

     He, then, walked back a short distance and took a running leap at the grapes. Still, he could not reach anywhere near it. The fox tried again and again, but it was of no use.

    The fox sat down, tired of his efforts and watched the grapes in anger. "What a fool i have been!" said the fox, "wasting my energy and time just for a few sour grapes."

    Moral: Do not find faults with something that you can not get.

The Day Dreamer

     Once there was a donkey who always used to dream of doing great things. But, in fact, he only loved to eat and sleep.

     One day, he went out with his master for some work. While returning back, he began to dream that his father was a race horse. So, He began to run very fast.

     "Run, run faster," ordered the happy master. The donkey ran really fast, but at last, he gave up. He told his master that he was running very fast because he thought of himself as the son of a race horse. He forgot that actually he was the son of a donkey.
     Moral: Do not think of anything beyond your capacity of strength.

The Peacock And The Crane

     Once a peacock was very proud of himself because of his beauty: One day, he met a crane. He spread his colorful feathers in the sun, trying to impress the crane. "Look" Said he, " Do you have anything to compare with my pretty tail?"

    The crane was hurt by the peacock's taunts. Then, he thought of an idea. He spread his broad wings and flew up in the sky. The crane taunted, "flying is such a nice experience. Of what use are your feathers if you can not fly with them?"

    It was now the turn of the peacock to feel ashamed. He looked sadly at the crane, who was flying happily away.
   Moral: Utility is more important than beauty.

The Raven And The Swan

     There was once a raven, who was not happy with himself. You know that a raven is as black as coal. Now, this raven once met a swan.

      The swan was beautiful and her feathers were as wished as pure snow. The raven grew envious of the swan and wished to become like her. "Oh swan!" Said the raven, "Please tell me how I may also become as fair and lovely as you are." "Maybe," replied the swan, "if you leave your woods and join me in the lakes, eat the weeds and plants that I do, you could also turn fair as I am." The raven agreed, as it seemed the only way open to him and he was sure, it would work wonders for him.
     So, the raven left his home in the wood and fields, and began to live in the lakes and marshes.
     As a result, he grew thinner and thinner with the passing of each day and finally died.!
     Moral: One should learn to accept and live with one's own self.

The Ass And The Grasshoppers

     Once an ass found some grasshoppers singing happily in a grassy corner of the field.
     Their singing was very musical and cheerful. "What is it, Grasshoppers," the ass asked them," that makes you sing such beautiful songs? Is there any special food that you eat?" "Yes," replied the grasshoppers," we will tell you the secret. We drink only the dew found on flowers and leaves."

    The ass was so eager to sing well that he ate and drank only dew. The foolish ass soon died of hunger.
     Moral: Don't try to imitate others if you don't have the talent.


Mr. Digand And Mr. Big

     Years Ago, a villager worked hard digging his garden to grow vegetables for his young family. He was known as Mr. Dig.

     Nest door to him lived Mr. Big. His family was grown-up and every year Mr. Big grew bigger, for he had little to do, but eat and watch his sons working.

     One day Mr. Dig said to Mr. Big. "Mr. big, I shall be glad when my two sons are grown-up Then I shall take life easy and become big like you."

     "Oh dear, what a problem that will be," sighed Mr. Big, " for then folk will start calling you Mr. Big and the two of us will be up-unless that is, my sons leave and I start digging again and lose weight and become known as Mr. Dig."

     " I could be Mr. Big Dig and you could be Mr. Dig Big," suggested Mr. Dig. But that seemed even more confusing.

     At last the men agreed to worry about the problem when it happened, not before, which is the thing to do with any problem.

The Magic Coins

     In the olden days there was a mean old man named Miser McStingy. Working for Miser MscStingy was a boy called Steady O"Sure. He was a good worker, but not very clever.

However, after working for Miner McSure for a year, with no payment, but his food and a roof and a roof over his head, even steady O'Sure began to wonder why he was not getting any wages.
"Isn't it time you paid me some money, Mr McStingy?" he asked one day.

     Miser McStingy flew into a rage. The mention of giving other people money always had that effect on him.

     "If you? are going to turn into a troublemaker, then you can be on your way," he shouted.
Steady O'Sure hated unpleasantness, so he put his few belongings into a bag and set off to find work elsewhere. On the way he stopped to say goodbye to the vicar at the local church.
     "It is not right that you should leave without wages," said the vicar to Steady O'Sure. "Go back to Miser McStingy and tell him that if he does not give you some money I will send the constable round to see him." Not wishing to get into trouble with the constable, Miser McStingy gave Steady O'Sure some foreign coins.

     "They are not of much use to me. I will give them to Stready O'Sure and tell him they are coins of great value and he will he pleased," Miser McStingy had thought.

     So that is what happened and Steady O'Sure went to London and found work with a merchant who traded with countries abroad. As Steady was a hard-working lad, the merchant took the trouble to find a foreign trader who would take the strange coins. They proved valuable and Steady was given a large sum of money.

     So Steady had the last laugh over Miser Mcstingy, Which was only right, as he was an honest lad.


     One upon a time, a poor widow lived in a cottage with her only son, jack. Jack was idle and one day his mother said to him.
"All we have left in the world worth selling is our cow. Take the cow to market and get a good price for it."

     After much grumbling, lazy jack set out for market, driving the cow in front of him. hi had not gone for when he met a butcher.
"That is a fine cow" said the butch. "i will give you this bag of beans in exchange for it. you will be making a good bargain."

     "very well," agreed jack, pleased that he did not have to go all the way to market.
He gave the cow to the butcher and hurried home. His mother was furious.
"A bag of beans in exchange for a cow!" she shouted. "You stupid boy!"

     In her anger, she threw the beans put of the window and sent jack to bed without any supper. after a restless night, jack woke to find an strange green light filtering into his bedroom. He looked out of the window to see that the leaves of an enormous beanstalk were blocking the sunlight. During the night the beans had taken root and grown so high that the beanstalk disappeared among st the clouds.
filled with curiosity, Jack dragged on his clothes and hurrying out of the house, climbed up the mysterious stalk. After a long weary climb, Jack stepped from the beanstalk on to a wild, desolate land. He walked for miles and at last came to a huge castle standing alone and grim. The boy blew the born which hung by the entrance and in a few moments a large woman opened the door.
"Good morning," said Jack politely. "Could you give me some food and shelter, please?"
"You had best run away as fast as you can," replied the large woman. "My husband is an ogre and if he catches you, he will eat you."

     However, Jack was so hungry, he pleaded with the ogre's wife to take him in. At last she let him into the kitchen and gave him some hot break and milk. Hardly had Jack finished hi meal than the floor started to shake and he heard a mighty voice singing. "Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of man.
Be he alive or be he dead,

     I"ll grind his bones to make my bread."
scarcely id the ogre's wife have time to snatch Jack and hide him in the oven, before the door swung open and a huge ogre stamped into the room.
"There is man here," shouted the ogre. "Cook him for my dinner, wife.
With another roar of rage, the ogre stepped on to the beanstalk.

     Meanwhile, Jack had reached the bottom. He rushed past his mother, who wanted to know what was happening. He had never worked so hard in all his life. As he heard the voice of the ogre roaring for his blood, Jack the stalk. The huge plant crashed to the ground and the giant with it. Together they make such a deep hole that neither was ever seen again.
Then Jack danced for joy and his mother lived happily ever after.